Le code de calcul EDEN (Elementary Dose Evaluation for Natural environment)
Publications parues à ce sujet
BEAUGELIN-SEILLER K, JASSERAND F, GARNIER-LAPLACE J, GARIEL JC (2004). E.D.E.N.: a software to calculate the dose rate of energy for the non-human biota due to the presence of radionuclides in the environment. Tenth International Conference Envirosoft, Envirosoft 2004, Ancona (Italy) 2-4 juin 2004.
BEAUGELIN-SEILLER K, GARNIER-LAPLACE J, GARIEL JC, JASSERAND F (2004). E.D.E.N.: a tool for the estimation of dose coefficient equivalents for non-human biota. Congrès ECORAD 2004, Aix en Provence 6-9 septembre 2004.
BEAUGELIN-SEILLER K, FIEVET B, GARNIER-LAPLACE J (2004). Theoretical dose reconstruction along life-cycle for plaices (Pleuronectes platessa) living in the Northern Cotentin waters after 1966. International Conference on Isotopes in Environmental Studies – Aquatic Forum 2004, 25 –29 October 2004, Monaco.