Tectonic evolution and related fracturing in the Causses Basin (Aveyron, France) : the Tournemire area example.

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J.CONSTANTIN1 , P. VERGELY1 et J. CABRERA2 Actes du congrès de l'Ecole des mines de Paris , Séance spécialisée Industrie minérale et environnement -Paris, 5-6 février 2000. Bull. Soc. géol. France, 2002, t. 173, n° 3, pp. 229-243.

Type de document > *Article de revue , *Congrès/colloque
Mots clés publication scientifique > faille/fracture , laboratoire souterrain , milieu argileux
Unité de recherche > IRSN/DEI/SARG/BEHRIG
Auteurs > CABRERA Justo

Abstract The Institute for Nuclear Safety and Radioprotection (IRSN) launched the « Tournemire » program, in 1988. One of its aims is to understand and characterize the fluid transfer processes in argillaceous rocks. They are interesting rocks for the long-term storage of nuclear waste. To this purpose, the IPSN installed an experimental site in a tunnel, which gives access to a 250 m-thick Toarcian and Domerian shale unit near Tournemire (Aveyron, France) (fig. 1). The fluids, in this type of rock with very low intrinsic permeability, 10-14 m/s [Boisson et al., 1998], used to flow (calcite crystallizations in fractures), and still flow, principally in the fractures [Barbreau et Boisson, 1993 ; Boisson, 1995] formed during the tectonic history of the formation. In order to constrain the history of fluid flow in the formation, it was necessary to characterize the tectonic fracturing and to identify the tectonic events responsible, on the one hand, for the apparition of the fractures and, on the other hand, for their eventual reactivation. The method used was a microtectonic and kinematic analysis. The studied area belongs to the western border of the Causses basin, a Permian-Mesozoic basin trending N-S. The slightly monoclinal series in this area range from the Trias, discordant westward on the Permian formations of the St-Affrique basin, to the lower Kimmerigian locally present on the Larzac plateau (fig. 1). The upper Liassic shales (Domerian, Toarcian) are between two limestone and dolomite formations. Two major (regional-shale) ESE-WNW reverse faults, the Cernon fault and the St-Jean-d'Alcapies fault, cross the area. Their offsets may reach several hundred meters. These two faults limit an ESE-WNW trending block where the experimental site is located. The tectonic fractures in the area result from two main tectonic phases. Phase 1, extensional, occurred during the Mesozoic and comprises three episodes (fig. 2). The first episode, characterised by an E-W extension (fig. 3), did not produce significant structures in the Toarcian shales. The second episode, with a NW-SE extension direction (fig. 4 and fig. 5), occurred during the diagenesis of the shales. It led to the development of calcareous nodules. These nodules are considered to be « mode I » fractures formed in association with fluid expulsion during the sediment compaction (fig. 4). The last episode has a N-S direction, (fig. 7) and is probably late Jurassic in age [Macquar, 1973 ; Blès etal., 1989 ; Martin et Bergerat, 1996]. It produced E-W conjugate normal faults (fig. 6) and two perpendicular sets of extensional joints trending E-W and N-S. The second major tectonic phase corresponds to the « pyrenean » compression. The s1 directions vary from NE-SW to NW-SE, with two major pulses striking N020-N030 and N160-N170 (fig. 2, fig. 9 and fig. 10). The N020-N030 direction corresponds to the paroxysm of the « pyrenean » phase, dated as late Middle Eocene [Arthaud et Laurent., 1995]. It reactivated major faults and formed associated folds (fig. 8). Numerous fractures due to the N160-170 compressional event are concentrated principally in the center of the block bordered by the ESE-WNW major faults (fig. 2). Chronological criteria indicate that the direction of compression rotated counter-clockwise during the « pyrenean » compressional phase (fig. 11). A third compression direction (N130) has been evidenced, for example, by N030 trending tension gashes cross-cul by N130 trending gashes (fig. 12). The significance of this last tectonic event is unclear. It is mainly observed in the west drift of the expérimental site (fig. 1C), and could result of the re-orientation of the stresses at this site close to an important shear zone. 1Orsayterre-UMR 8616, Université de Paris XI, 91405 Orsay. 2IRSN-DPRE, BP17 - 92262 Fontenay-aux-Roses