Potential of modern technologies for improving internal exposure monitoring

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Titre du congrès : 6th Workshop on Internal Dosimetry of Radionuclides
Ville du congrès : Montpellier
Date du congrès :02/10/2006
Titre de la revue : Radiation Protection Dosimetry 127 issue 1-4 Pages : 233-239

Type de document > *Congrès/colloque
Unité de recherche > IRSN/DRPH/SDI/LEDI
Auteurs > FRANCK Didier

Internal dosimetry is the science of assessing the amount and distribution of radionuclides in the body, and calculating resulting radiation doses to internal organs or tissues over specific time periods. Because the ionizing radiation energy deposited in a particular organ from radionuclides incorporated in the body cannot be measured directly, internal doses are estimated or inferred principally from in vivo or in vitro bioassay. As a matter of fact, in an effort to implement effective programmes in internal dosimetry, since internal dosimetry programmes exist, the internal dosimetry laboratories have always tried to develop new capabilities for these techniques or achieve the harmonisation in individual monitoring for occupational exposures. The primary goal of this paper is to categorise the principal trends made in recent developments in these fields regarding their potential and eligibility for the routine monitoring community and discuss the main aspects, which aims at a comprehensive assessment of these techniques. Secondly, starting from these data, their potential improvements are compared to the currently employed monitoring techniques used in routines.

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