Strategy for monitoring radioactivity in freshwater ecosystems: application to model validation.
Rommens C., Beaugelin-Seiller K. Verh. Internat. Verein. Limnol. Vol. 28 : 940-943. Stutgartt, october 2002
One of the missions of the French Institute for Nuclear Protection and Safety (IPSN) is to collect data regarding radioactivity in the environment, in order to improve the scientific knowledge of the radioactivity transfer via the environment to humans. Many measurement results recorded near the nuclear facilities are put in an IPSN database named SYLVESTRE. The issue explored in this study was the possibility of using these data for the validation of environmental computer codes. The computer code studied for this exercise was CASTEAUR, developed by IPSN to predict the concentrations of radionuclides in rivers after accidental or routine discharges, with the final aim of assessing the exposure of the population.